
Covenant and Commandment: Works, Obedience and Faithfulness in the Christian Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

The heirs of the Protestant Reformation have emphasized salvation by grace in general and sola fide (“by faith alone”) in particular. It was important for the church to recover the central biblical truth that we are justified by God, that this is an act of God’s grace, and that faith–apart from works–is the means by which we are justified. A related issue is the nature of works–obedience or...

But believers, through baptism and public profession (Rom. 10:9–10), promise to follow Christ as Lord.31 That is, Frame argues, as I am arguing, that across the canon God saves a people by his grace. Then, once persons are in covenant relationship with the Lord, he then gives his people commands, statutes, laws, and so on. And he expects his people to obey what he communicates to them. Richard Gaffin writes, ‘faith and good works, thus distinguished, are always synecdochic.
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